Sunday, December 4, 2011

No New Snow In Two Weeks = Trout

Unfortunately, it hasn't snowed since shortly before Thanksgiving.  The mountain needs snow.  We've had to go up above the main ski area--towards the Minarets--in order to take our cross country ski Masters classes.  Tamarack doesn't have enough snow to make it happen.

It's been cold too.  Yesterday it was 14 degrees when Christy dropped me off at the mountain for xc skiing.  Fingers were not happy in my lightweight gloves.  Almost lost 10.

So without good snow, we've been picky--no downhill runs, just XC.

With no skiing on a was time to go fly-fishing instead.  Hot Creek yielded a couple of decent sized rainbows...nothing special...but nice for 35 degrees in the late afternoon:

Here's a terrible pic from my awful phone.  My fingers were too cold to do it properly:

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